Friday, July 22, 2016

Juney June June

Summertime fun! Even though my girls aren't in school yet, it still feels like summer break around here.  The activities have slowed down, and our entertainment comes from our own making.  I created this summer bucket list for the girls.  Brielle is at the perfect age for it, and looks at it daily.  She's been crossing things off as we do them. It has been so cute. 

Jeff continues to do well at work.  He had a work trivia party and his team won! So he's good in and out of the office. :) 
He also recently found out that he is #1 in the country for referrals.  That's out of 600+ Financial Consultants at Fidelity.  People meet with him and love it and give his information to all of their friends! I am so proud of him and this accomplishment. 

We went to our last Music Time for the summer break.  We have had such fun going to that every week.  And also having it at our home! 

We had an adventure with Rosalyn...she put a doll shoe up her nose! Why??? I don't know.  She came to me and told me she had a shoe in her nose, and she was upset.  I couldn't see it.  It was so far up, I had to lay her down with a flashlight shining to see it.  There was no way she was going to lay still enough for me to pull it off to the clinic we went. 

5 people had to hold her down.  It was rough, but it came out! I don't think she will do that again.  I hope! 

We had a really fun Father's Day - pampering Jeff and eating his favorite foods. We gave him this t-shirt to wear and the girls drive their cars on it.  It's a nice massage after work. :) 
Jason was in town for Father's Day weekend.  We had so much fun with him here! Rosalyn will still talk about "Jace." We loved talking with him and taking him in the great outdoors. 

We were at a park, and Brielle couldn't help herself and scrambled into the water before we could stop her.  She pulled off her pants and was hanging out on the rock in her underwear. Ha! Such a funny memory.  She's a water baby, and an explorer.  She's always off wanting to explore something on her own.  It's cute and crazy. 
Jason let us swim in his hotel pool the last night.  We had so much fun! 

One day I was feeling adventurous and took the girls on a hike near our house. Rosalyn got tired halfway I ended up carrying these two most of the way back.  I got a workout and considered myself Mom-of-the-Year for that experience.  ha ha. I got Brielle to take this picture of me. 

We spent a lot of time in the kiddie pool in our back yard. Lovely 70's weather has been heavenly!!!

My Book Club celebrated our 2 year anniversary with cake! ha ha.  Because it was summer, we were missing half our members.  I have enjoyed having an excuse to get together with my girl friends every month and also read a unique book every month.  Gotta get girl time! 

Our summer is rolling along.  June was great! 

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