Wednesday, May 4, 2016


The month of March was a lazy, recovery month in most respects.  Although life never feels "lazy" with three children to take care of.  But we did our best to stay in pjs and enjoy each other's company after the wild times in February.  

Brielle & Rosalyn just adore their new baby sister.  They are quick to bring her a pacifier at any moment and always comment when they see her kicking or making any sounds.  They mother her as I mother them! 

Jeff was determined to get one thing done on his to-do list after being home for 6 weeks paternity leave. He didn't get anything else done on that list but help me! ha ha.  So he pursued this job with a passion...he thatched our yard - front and back and re-seeded the lawn! Here he is with a rented thatcher: 
It was a much bigger job than we both bargained for.  After thatching, you have to rake up everything that comes up.  We both underestimated how long this process would take.  Jeff did the front while I did the back with the girls playing beside me and "helping" me.  It was a lot of work.  But when it was all complete and the seeds were spread, we would watch daily for the little seedlings of grass to sprout! 

I'm happy to report that the hard work paid off...we have a beautiful lawn of new grass growing! 

The month was spent enjoying Easter activities and hiding eggs around the house and back yard.  We took the girls to the Bellevue Easter Egg hunt...

As you can see, it's not much of a hunt.  The eggs are in plain sight! But everyone starts behind the line and tries to pick up as many as possible.  It only takes a few minutes before they are all collected.  
Adeline slept snug as a bug the whole time in my Moby wrap. 

Brielle was excited! 

Rosalyn had her game face on.  She wasn't happy she had to wait for it to start. 

We had plenty of Easter egg hunts this year...including another big one at our Ward Easter breakfast. I didn't get any pictures of that. But it happened! :) 

Adeline went to church for the first time in March! We hope this is a life-long commitment to going to church starting now.  Everyone was happy to see her healthy and looking dandy. 

I think one of my greatest joys in life is getting my girls dressed for church.  I love seeing them in dresses and tights and church shoes...and now with church at 11am, I have plenty of time to do their hair nice.  If I'm going to have 3 girls, I have to milk it! 

Jeff went back to work on March 14th.  He seemed ready to get back to work and back to a routine.  I sure missed having his help around the house.  I feel like my adjustment to three children didn't really start until Jeff went back to work.  I'm still figuring it out. 
One day my brother Jeff came up to help me with the girls.  That was so nice of him! I joked that he was the "baby whisperer"...Adeline always fell asleep in his arms.  He got lots of practice for his new little one to be born soon! 

I found this toddler bed on Craigslist for $20. Mattress included! So we grabbed it and Brielle helped Jeff put it together.  We have put off getting her out of her crib for a long time....mainly because she liked being in her crib, and also because we didn't want to change up the sleep routine with a new baby in the house.  
As you can see, Brielle loved her new bed! She is such a great sleeper. 

The girls discovered the fun of climbing trees this month.  We have trees in the front yard that are just their size and perfect for climbing! They go outside multiple times a day to "climb trees!" 

I think Adeline resembles Brielle a little.  What do you think? Brielle loves her so much and is more excited to see "the baby!" than myself when she wakes up in the morning. 

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