Sunday, March 6, 2016

A sweet new baby

Happy Birthday to Adeline Linnea Tolsma! She celebrated her birthday on January 29th, 2016.  She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and was 19.5 inches long.  

I was due in early February to have her, and Jeff and I expected her to wait till closer to her due date.  But she had a mind of her own and wanted to be born 2 weeks early! The night before she was born, I finished packing my hospital bag, painted my nails and got a bag ready for the girls when they would stay overnight with my parents. I didn't think I would go into labor yet, but looking back on it I got everything ready just in time! Thank goodness....because when I woke up at 5:30am on Friday, Jan. 29th to contractions, it didn't take long to realize it was really happening! I think both Jeff and I were in a little shock that she was coming in January.  

I woke Jeff up, and quickly called my Mom to head up to get the girls, and called a neighbor to come over in the between time so we could head to the hospital.  My doctor predicted a fast labor, so I was instructed to get to the hospital as soon as I could after feeling the first contraction.  And so that's what we soon as Jeff was ready after taking a long shower...and oh, he had to get on his work laptop to send off a few emails about his appointments that day...ha ha...and then we were off!  I have to give him a hard time for that, ha ha!! 

We got to the hospital and I was dilating and in active labor.  I waited for a few hours and then decided there was no reason to wait any longer to get an epidural..and got one! Oh, it was marvelous being in labor and not feeling it anymore. I have always gotten a "half-dose" so I can feel the contractions and pressure, but the pain is gone.  It makes pushing so much easier and controlled so I don't tear.  I was able to rest and prepare myself for the next stage of labor. 

By 11am my body was ready and the doctor broke my water.  A little more waiting and then it was time to push! I had a hard time getting her out...she was turned posterior, and the little stinker never turned the right way like her sisters did.  She took a lot of work pushing. At 12:10pm our little darling entered the world.  
We immediately remarked that she didn't look like her two sisters.  There was definitely a family resemblance, but she was her own little person. She had dark hair, blue eyes and was a healthy, pink baby girl! We were thrilled!! 

After birth was rough for me...I had some complications with bleeding and needed a planned procedure that involved manually looking for tissue in my uterus and sending my placenta to pathology for testing.  It turns out I had a "chronic placental abruption" early on in pregnancy which caused a calcified blood clot that was seen in the ultrasounds.  That's enough details for my blog...but let's just say recovery after birth was the hardest of the three so far.  Luckily, I was able to keep the baby on my chest for as long as I wanted after birth and she was a great distraction through it all. 

Our baby's favorite part of her day was laying on her warm bed...all the nurses in the room were laughing at how relaxed and calm she was just laying in the warm light.  She was envisioning her life on the beach in the sunlight...and getting a nice tan. :) 

Baby snuggles with proud Mom & Dad! 

Finally I was moved into the postpartum unit where we could relax and recover.  My favorite part is unwrapping my little baby burrito and seeing her body for the first time since being all swaddled up after birth.  What a miracle birth is! To think that this perfect little baby could be grown and born to's amazing. 

We didn't wait long to get our whole family together.  Jeff and I were so excited for the girls to meet their baby sister.  They were so excited too! Brielle exclaimed "she's so cute!" when she saw her. Rosalyn wanted to hold her and poke her to see if she was real.  

These sisters have shown nothing but love for their new sister since she was born.  What joy it brings us to have a third girl join our family! 

Cuddling with Grandma & Grandpa 

Our first family picture as a family of five!

And then my parents took these crazies with them so Jeff and I could stay at the hospital and know they were being taken care of.  It was wonderful! 

We stayed the day and expected to be discharged the following morning.  But my recovery wasn't going well and was further complicated.  My doctor insisted that I stay another day and night to be monitored.  I had no problem with that...I don't mind staying in a hospital after birth and getting help from the nurses. I'd stay longer if I could! Jeff was able to go home both nights and get good rest in our bed.  So at least one of us was fresh-faced! 
I was pampered in the hospital with everything I needed, and such wonderful nurses taking care of me.  A year earlier I was sitting on the beach in the Bahamas...this year I was in the hospital, but just as well taken care of.  I have given birth three times in this hospital (it feels like dejavu every time!) and each time it has been so wonderful. 

I have always enjoyed my newborns, but this time around I felt like I was able to really soak it all in.  The other two times felt so overwhelming, but this pregnancy and birth I was able to really enjoy it fully.  She was so sweet and calm.  The nurses dubbed her "the calmest baby on the floor." We would hear cute noises from her, but barely the slightest cry.  She was content being in my arms and embracing the world around her. She is still that way! I consider myself blessed beyond measure for that. 

 I enjoyed the flowers and gifts from family members

 Jeff and I debated the whole pregnancy about what to name our third girl.  I have a hard time choosing a name each time...I have so many names I like! This time was especially hard for some reason.  We made lists and talked and up to the day after she was born, Jeff was "google-ing girl names." Finally, right before we were discharged from the hospital and getting pressured to turn in the birth certificate paperwork, we decided on Adeline Linnea.  I liked it, but wasn't sure.  But we put it on the paperwork and left the hospital.  

Linnea was an easy is a big family name on my Mom's side, and I love the Swedish tradition and heritage of it. It was my Great-Grandma's name, and my Grandma Inez' middle name.

We liked Adelynn a lot, but since we already had a Rosalyn, we thought we'd use Adeline instead.  Then we debated between the spelling - Adeline or Adaline.  We found out that spelling it Adeline was more popular, so we went with that.  I wondered about if we chose the right name for 2 weeks after her birth. I tried out other names to see if they "fit" her better.  But ultimately, Adeline just felt right in the end!

As I got to know our new baby girl in the hospital, I remarked several times to Jeff that she seemed like "an old soul." She seemed to know us, know our family situation and it felt like she was prepared to come down on earth at "such a time as this." As the weeks have gone on, it does seem like she's known what earth would be like, and was prepared to handle whatever came her way with grace.

I liked that the name Adeline means "noble." It reminded me of the scripture about the "noble and great ones" who were "prepared from the foundation of the earth." D&C 138. It seemed to fit her.

And so it was decided. Adeline Linnea Tolsma! 

 Jeff spent his days getting work organized so he could go on paternity leave. 

Every time I've been in the hospital, I order the same breakfast - Swedish pancakes.  I was so looking forward to giving birth again just so I could eat these! ha ha.  They are a yummy tradition that I enjoy every morning.   

We were trying to get a picture with her eyes open...and she looked right at the camera! She's already a model. ha!  

And then it was time to be discharged.  I put Adeline in an outfit that I got for was newborn-sized, but she was swimming in it! I had forgotten just how small newborns are. 
 She looked darling. 

We took our baby home and back to be with her sisters who were so excited to see her again...I've never seen them so excited!  We gave Adeline a tour of the house and settled in to our new life with her. 

Welcome to the world, Miss Adeline! 
You are deeply loved by all those around you. 

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