Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rosalyn's Birthday!

I can't believe that Rosalyn is three! Wow!! She has brought us so much joy! We had a fun birthday with her.  She wanted a Tinkerbell theme (the girls love the Tinkerbell movies on Netflix.) I stayed up and decorated for her after she went to bed so she could wake up and be excited! It felt like Christmas.  hee. 

I didn't get to the store, so I had to improvise with the decorations.  Luckily, she loved it all! 

She woke up and was so excited to see everything.  Brielle knew just what to do...and brought her the presents I was saving for later. But they were just so excited! So we opened presents first thing! 

We got her a Snow White book.  She loves Snow White! 

And we gave her a Buzz Lightyear toy.  She was in heaven and carried him around with her.  She always plays with a little Buzz that her friend at church brings.  So when I saw this big Buzz at the consignment store, I had to buy it for her!  She has been telling everyone about Buzz.  Even strangers. They usually can't figure out what she is talking about. ha ha.  

Then it was time for breakfast.  What did she want? A pb&j sandwich.  I told her that was what I was making her for lunch.  But she wanted it then.  So oh well, when it's your birthday you can have whatever you want, whenever you want it! ha ha.  

She changed into her Tinkerbell costume and put her wings on.  She was ready to fly! 

She's three! 

We surprised her with a ball pit.  She loves playing in ball pits.  So she of course, jumped right in! The shouts and squeals of glee were so loud...I'm sure our neighbors were wondering what was going on in our house! ha ha.  

Then of course, we had to watch Tinkerbell.  And follow along with our Tinkerbell storybook.  

And then it was birthday lunch time.  Rosalyn helped with the corn.  She loves corn! It's a favorite food of hers. 

We then got all of our things in the car and drove down to my parents house.  We were greeted with a Tinkerbell party down there too! Lots of green everywhere. :) 

She opened her presents from my parents.  A favorite of hers was a Tinkerbell barbie doll! It's a new favorite toy! 

Then it was time for cake and ice cream.  Claire decorated a green cake with sparkly pixie dust on top.  Rosalyn was so excited.  She had been talking about "blowing candles" all day long! Now it was her chance! 

Yummy! Who knew green cake could taste so good??? 

We had a great day with her, playing and enjoying her sweet little personality. 

And now, here are some things I want to remember about Rosalyn at 3 years old: 

  • If I had to pick one word to describe Rosalyn, it would be "spunky." She has a lot of spunk! She is funny and sweet and lively and overall - spunky.  She makes us laugh every day with her silly expressions or goofy sayings. 

  • Rosalyn had her 3 year old checkup at the doctor recently.  She weighs 32 pounds and is 38.5 inches tall. 
  • Rosalyn has such an active imagination.  Anything she touches can become a toy.  She is constantly playing.  She especially likes to have her toys or items talk to each other.  She will take any item - and one will be a mommy, the other a daddy and they will talk to each other.  Today her she had two straws in her drink and naturally they were having a conversation. ha ha.  Simple things around the house will come alive in her hands and she will act out stories with them. Usually they "get hurt and go to the doctor. And then they get a band-aid."  
  • When she plays with her toys, she uses different voices.  It is so funny to just watch her play and listen to her "mommy" voice, "baby voice"  or "bad-guy voice." ha ha.  It is very entertaining to say the least! 

  • She likes balls - throwing, or kicking, rolling or bouncing.  She loves to play with balls.  
  • She likes to jump.  Except she calls it "bouncing." I think it is so cute when she says "I'm bouncing!" It reminds me of Tigger from Winnie the pooh. 
  • Rosalyn is a great eater and here are a few of her favorites: toast with jam, mac n cheese, raspberries, white cheddar popcorn, apples (she will eat them whole), and chocolate milk. 
But she will do anything for a sucker! 
  • She really loves puzzles.  She is always asking to do puzzles. 
  • She still loves her stuffed Dolly.  She carries her around the house and hugs her often.  Dolly is quite precious to her.  We don't let her take it places for fear that we will lose it! She always likes to sleep with Dolly, and won't go to bed without her by her side.  It's sweet. 
  • She is sometimes a party animal in the middle of the night.  Sometimes she will wake up at 2am and wake up Brielle and they will just play in their room.  Or she will crawl into Brielle's bed and sleep next to her.  
  • Rosalyn talks very loud at home.  Her voice only has three settings - loud, louder and whisper.  We are working on her volume control.  ha ha.  
  • Rosalyn LOVES bath time.  She would take a bath a few times a day if I let her! She likes to just sit and play with toys in the water. 

We love our little three year old and her fun personality! What joy she brings us! 

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